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Management API

The Experiment management API can be used to programmatically create and control flags and experiments.


Flag APIs Flag APIs to create, edit, and display flags, and their properties.
Experiment APIs Experiment APIs to create, edit, and display experiments, and their properties.
Deployment APIs Deployment APIs to create, edit, and display deployments that flags or experiments can be assigned to.
Version APIs Verion APIs to display a list of versions of flags or experiments that the management api key has access to.

Beta API Migration

If you're currently using the Beta API, please update to use the new API URL domain ( and path prefix/api/1).

Management API Key

You can create and revoke management API keys by clicking on "Management API" in the bottom left of the sidebar. Read more about the Management API Key in our comprehensive guide to all amplitude keys.


The management API uses the HTTP Authorization header for authentication.

The header must be: Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>.

Management API Keys

Management API keys are different from the deployment keys used to fetch flag variants. They're created and managed via the Management API link in the Experiment sidebar.

Rate limiting

Current API limits are per project, and impose the following restrictions:

Limit (requests) Duration
100 1 second
100000 Daily. Daily limits is reset at the end of the day UTC time.


Region Endpoint
Standard Server
EU Residency Server


Status codes

The API uses meaningful status codes to communicate the result of requests.

Code Meaning
200 Success!
400 Input is missing or invalid
401 Invalid or revoked API key
403 API key doesn't have access to the specified environment
429 Too many requests


Endpoints that list resources such as /experiments will only return a limited number of items per request. To fetch the next page of items, the nextCursor value returned from the first request must be passed as the cursor parameter of the next request. In this way multiple requests can be chained together to fetch the total set of items.