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Send Cohorts to Infobip

Infobip is a global leader in omnichannel engagement powering a broad range of messaging channels, tools, and solutions for advanced customer engagement, authentication, and security.

This integration lets you send targeted messages using the specific cohorts you've created in Amplitude.


For issues with Infobip, reach out to Infobip's support team.


Infobip setup

  1. Navigate to the Infobip Portal, click Project Settings, and select API Keys.
  2. Generate a new key and add a description. Copy the key.

Amplitude setup

  1. In Amplitude Data, click Catalog and select the Destinations tab.
  2. In the Cohort section, click Infobip.
  3. Enter a name and Infobip API Key.
  4. Save the destination.


Create a new list


Status codes

    "listId": 2568
    "requestError": {
        "serviceException": {
            "messageId": "BAD_REQUEST",
            "text": "Bad request",
            "validationErrors": {
                "name": [
                    "property not found or blank"
        "requestError": {
            "serviceException": {
                "messageId": "UNAUTHORIZED",
                "text": "Invalid login details"

One request per API key every 2 seconds

            "text":"Too many requests"

Add people to list


  • If no errors, just the modified/created counters will show the number of ids.
  • If one or more ids were unable to be added to a list, the errors section will be populated with the total counter and arrays of grouped ids by type of error

    "modifiedCount": 0,

    "createdCount": 3,

    "errors": {

        "count": 1,

        "failed": {

           "VALIDATION_ERROR": [""]




     "statusCode": "TAG_NOT_FOUND",

     "message": "Tag with id \"87881\" does not exist"


     "requestError": {

         "serviceException": {

             "messageId": "UNAUTHORIZED",

             "text": "Invalid login details"




One request per Api key every 10 seconds






            "text":"Too many requests"




Remove people from list


Empty body.


     "statusCode": "TAG_NOT_FOUND",

     "message": "Tag with id \"87881\" does not exist"


     "requestError": {

         "serviceException": {

             "messageId": "UNAUTHORIZED",

             "text": "Invalid login details"




One request per Api key every 5 seconds.






            "text":"Too many requests"




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